Thursday, August 03, 2006


Every night when I put Sid to bed I remind him that if he needs to pee he has to get up come and use the bathroom in my room. Maybe he doesn't hear 'bathroom' because last night was the second time in a week that he has walked into my room in the early morning, pulled down his pants and peed on my carpet. Both times I jumped up to the sound of the waterfall, asking, "What's that?! Sid!" Hubby was oblivious both times until he felt me jump up. Sid realizes something is wrong and starts to cry. I try to soothe him while trying to get him to finish in the toilet and then sopping up the wet spot and changing his clothes. In the morning I ask him if he remembers what he did, but he doesn't seem to remember so much.

Another night I heard him make some noise in his room and when I went to check I found him on his siter's bed.

All of this concerns me a bit because I don't want him tumbling down the stairs. Granted, the stairs are in the opposite direction of my room, but he still could make a wrong turn. I'm opting for putting up the baby wall divider again, at least at night, just in case.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely put it up - just in case it is becoming a regular thing.

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with brilld - writing a book based on Sidney sounds like a good idea ;-)

8:00 AM  

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