Sunday, October 02, 2005

So Grown

If I could tell you all the things my Sidney is up to you would shake your head. I can't even remember it all! Now, when I tell him to do something he tells me he doesn't want to do it. He's not belligerent, just simply tells me what he wants and / or doesn't want. He's grown in length. I love to hold him. Ok, so I always loved to hold him. He likes it when I gnaw on his ear and massage his arms and hands. He's knows what a PDA is and how to press 'Enter' when chatting with his grandma on MSN messenger. When we drive past the grocery store he asks me if we're going to stop and if not then why not, because Publix gives all kids a free cookie and he knows this. Recently he started asking, "Church again, mommy?" and "School again, mommy?" See, he recognizes the route. He enjoys watching Tailspin and cowboys on bulls and I can't forget Girlfriends. He doesn't like loud noises like thunder, but what kid does? He doesn't like getting wet if it's drizzling rain and his car window is open. He can carry his backpack on his back without falling over backwards now. He still won't go to Sabbath School by himself like he used to. These days, my mother (anyone he trusts, really) has to be with him. His articulation is amazing. He still mimics non-verbal sounds he hears and he does a darn good job of it too.

He'll be three next February.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! that's is so cool 'to see'. to be able to see how he's learned to 'reason' and it's not just reaction anymore. wow!

10:29 AM  

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